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Writer's pictureLiam Taylor

Weekly update: 18th APRIL 2021

For those attending church services, it is still important to follow all the ‘COVID’ regulations of signing in, please use the QR code if you can, safe-distancing and using the hand-sanitiser. Thank you.

This Sunday, David will be worship leading and Claire-Anne will be preaching.

Lectionary reading for this week is Luke 24:36-48

Here is the Zoom link if you can’t join us in person for Sunday

Sally, Judith and Bill are starting a prayer breakfast next Wednesday 21st , 7:30 am - till about 8am.

You are welcome to join us, once, occasionally, regularly or never; it’s a relaxed participation and belonging.

This time Sally will lead the contemplative part and Bill will provide some basic breakfast.

Disturbing Texts:

We are starting a new series on disturbing texts... not the weird texts you've received on your phone but the Biblical kind! What texts disturb or scare you? What texts do you wish could be deleted from the Bible? Please send us texts that you would like to hear discussed with a line or two about why you find it disturbing. Once a month we will wrestle with a difficult text or two as a community. Maybe it will be a passage on forgiveness, honouring parents, homosexuality, women, violence, or something else. No text is too taboo to be considered.

Our Mission Allocations

Each year we budget for our mission allocations and we ask for suggestions from our community as to which groups we would like to offer our financial support too.

In the past we have supported local, national and international groups including Melbourne Indigenous Church through Tony and Ngardarb Riches, Gatehouse and Brigidine Asylum Seekers, TEAR, Jacob’s Well, Barnabas Fund and Baghdad Baptist have all been recipients of our support. It is becoming increasingly difficult to transfer funds to Baghdad Baptist due to government regulations and this year the transfers have been cancelled 3 times and so unfortunately we haven’t been able to support them this financial year.

The deacons are now looking to update our groups that we support and are seeking input from our community for some suggestions of groups we could support, whether local, national or international.

If you have a suggestion, please let Sally know, and provide some details about their work and where they are based.We will discuss it at the May deacon’s meeting and then provide a list for the church to vote as to whom we will provide support to for the next financial year.

Thursday evening contemplative services will resume on a monthly basis on the fourth Thursday of the month starting 22nd April at 7.30pm at the church.

  • For those who experience significant financial stress during this time due to loss of income we assure you that while “most of us enjoy considerable comfort and security, we believe that no-one in our Christian community should have to live below the poverty line”. (FairShare Scheme) Please talk to one of our Pastors, Andrew, Ross or Teash if you are struggling financially or emotionally during this difficult time.

  • We understand that some people may be under financial stress or uncertainty during this time but if you usually donate through our offering bowl on a Sunday morning you may wish to donate through online banking instead. Our bank details are A/C Name: St Kilda Baptist Church BSB: 633 000 Account: 150 286 532

Available workdays and contact details of the leadership team


People to remember in our thoughts and prayers during the week

  • We hold Simin and Hooman in our thoughts and prayers this week as they have an interview with immigration this Friday

  • We pray for Judith Cook’s successful and pain free surgery last week

  • We pray for Felicity’s mum as she undergoes some medical tests this week

  • We hold all our children and youth in our prayers as they head back to school for Term 2

  • We raise our ongoing prayers for recognition and justice for all indigenous people and asylum seekers

  • We hold Dawn and Quentin in our prayers

  • We remember our friends at Galiamble and Winja Yulupna and are grateful for the connections we have with them

  • We pray for justice and peace in Myanmar and for all who struggle through this uncertain and fearful time

  • For our Houses of Hope project and the tenants as they settle into life in St Kilda

  • For Tony & Francine Riches and the folk at Melbourne Indigenous church

We are a community of people drawn together by the love and grace of God

exemplified for us in the life of Jesus.

We welcome everyone.

This includes people of all cultures, races, religions,

mental and physical capabilities, sexual orientation and gender identity.

We are committed to peace with justice, and the integrity of all creation.

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